Human history is characterized by a succession of world empires. The first, according to scholars, was the Akkadian empire beginning in 2334 B.C. Then came the Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman empires and, finally, the Ottoman Turkish empire, which was extinguished in 1923 AD. It is then observed that the search for a unique power distinguished the world that was established after the Fall, that is, after original sin. A world marked by hatred, violence and the domination of man by man.
This historical background explains the reason for so much belligerence among nations today. In the last century alone, the twentieth century, in addition to the numerous local and regional conflicts, there were two major world wars. And the same happens in the current century. The great powers fight each other for prominence over each other. Even with the testimony of History that empires rise and then succumb, human beings remain in the vice of this project of power.
Where are the great emperors, the great generals, the great kings? Are they not all in the grave, where their bodies have decomposed (Psalm 9:17)? And aren't their souls, according to the holy Christian Scriptures, in Hades (Luke 16:23, Revelation 20:13) awaiting the resurrection of the dead and the final judgment? But, living as if they were eternal, men continue to seek power, fame and glory. It is the desire to be "like God," awakened by the Tempter at the moment of the Fall. That is not what he said: "you will be like God..." (Genesis 3:5).
From the Fall until today, what we see in human history is this: sin, pain, anguish, suffering, barbarism and death. Lost from himself, man lives a meaningless life. He does not know where he came from, where he is going, or the reason for his presence in the world. Unconscious of his origin in God, because of sin, he seeks, by all means, to understand himself. Thanks to this effort, he arrived at an astonishing scientific and technological development which, however, did not explain the mystery that surrounds his being nor produced a good and just world, where peace reigns.
However, observing the world that man built, after original sin, one notices beautiful and magnificent cities with their impressive skyscrapers and urban organization. But, soon, it is clear that they do not constitute social spaces of peace and inclusion. They are only "locus" of power in this majestic world that man has been building for him. A world without God. However, believe it or not, according to the sacred Christian Scriptures, all this construction is reserved as treasure for destruction, on the "day of the Lord".
Look at the sacred text: "... By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly" (2 Peter 3:7). The same can be observed in Revelation 6:12-14. See: "I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place”.
Yes, Creation has become corrupted with the emergence of sin. The Creator, however, decided to restore it. This involves the restoration of created beings to the "image and likeness of God" and also to the physical world. That is why the Apostle Paul said, "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation" (2 Corinthians 5:17). In the same way, the Creator Himself, in the Apocalypse, said: "I am making everything new!" (21:5). So, this life that God gives to human beings is not for them to build empires, but to redeem themselves, to turn to the Creator and thus be able to meet Him again in "new heavens and a new earth" (Revelation 21:1-5)".
Therefore, man, thinking he is someone and being nothing, does not have the autonomy he thinks he has. He has not decided upon his entrance into the world, nor can he prevent his exit. He doesn't even know if he will be alive tomorrow. The life he lives is not his. It was granted to live. Although he does not accept it, he is totally dependent on God. And at the end of time, everyone, great and small, rich and poor, generals, emperors and common people, will come before Christ and confess that He is the LORD. Read Philippians 2:5-11.
In this way, man, deprived of his original glory, because of sin, lives the illusion of being someone, but is nothing, because "being" is only defined in communion with the One who created him. The history of humanity is not moving towards an eternal human kingdom. But for a reckoning. The end of history is God. All mankind, from the first men to the last, will be reunited at the resurrection of the dead, at the final judgment, when "books" and the "book of life" will be opened. Those who have not been found in the "book of life" will go on to eternity as fallen spirits, separated from their Creator (Revelation 20:10-15).
Antônio Maia – Ph.B., M.Div.
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