As commented, in the text New Heavens and New Earth, recently posted on the blog, the great beneficiary of the serious problem that humanity is going through, in these days of the covid - 19 pandemic, is nature, the world ecological system or, to speak in theological terms, Creation. The planet, the human habitat, is recovering from the aggression that the world system causes to it. Therefore, it is relevant to expand a little more the reflection on the question, little treated in the Church, of the cosmic redemption. 

The fact that the planet's ecosystem recovers due to the reduction of human activity on it reveals the strict relationship between matter, the physical world and man. The human being and the universe are both entities of the same creation. The fall of one also corrupts the other and that is what happened in Eden. The Adamic decision to disobey the Creator not only changed his personal nature but also subjected the whole creation to sin, leaving it under a curse. 

The text of Genesis says: "...cursed is the earth because of you..." (1:17). This divine phrase contrasts with this one which appears six times in the narrative of creation: "and God saw that it was good" (Genesis 1:3,10,18,21,25,31). The repetition of this last phrase denotes the emphasis given to the aspect of cosmic perfection of all that has been created. The declaration of the curse, on the other hand, reflects the catastrophe that occurred in the universe with the appearance of sin in it. 

It may seem an excess to conclude that the universe has deteriorated just because of that phrase. However, it must be understood that the narrative in Genesis 1 does not constitute a scientific text with detailed and argumentative explanations. In the same text, for example, it is stated that light appeared only with the proclamation of a very brief sentence: "let there be light. In fact, the whole of Creation is described on a single page. In Genesis 1, creative processes are not objects of meticulous descriptive detail, for that is not the purpose of the text. 

Fact is, however, that there has been a change in the order of the cosmos. This word "cosmos" is of Greek origin and means "organization", "harmony". But science itself informs that the universe is not as organized and harmonious as is thought. It is out of balance and is a dangerous place for life. Bringing the issue only to planet Earth, tsunamis, earthquakes and pests like this one in the covide-19 reflect the disorder of the cosmos. Every day thousands of meteors, that is, rocks that travel through space fall to the earth. There is therefore a concern about the fall of large meteors that could cause damage to human life. 

Another aspect that indicates that there has been a change in the cosmos is the number of passages that speak of a restoration of the universe in the future. Isaiah, for example, says that God says: "I will create new heavens and a new earth" (65:17; 66:22). Jesus Christ speaks of a "renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne..." (Matthew 19:28). Peter also speaks of a time when "God will restore all things, as He spoke long ago, through His holy prophets" (Acts 3:21). And Paul says that God will redeem the universe from its present state of slavery to decay (Romans 8:18-21). 

The point is that this restoration involves the destruction of the present system, which begins with the arrival of the Great Tribulation, of which Jesus spoke. The Apostle Peter says something about this: "The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done... That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. But... we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. (2 Peter 3:10-13). 

According to Gouveia (2009, Vol 3, p.33), "the biblical doctrine of the created universe includes the certainty of its final redemption from the dominion of sin. The universe finally redeemed is called the new heavens and the new earth" [1]. Indeed, the Apostle John, speaking of these new heavens and new earth, said: "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.  The universe finally redeemed is called the new heavens and the new earth. 1] Indeed, the Apostle John, speaking of these new heavens and new earth, said: "There shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain, for the old order is past. He who sat on the throne said: I am making all things new" (Revelation 21:4,5).

Antônio Maia - M. Div.


[1] GOUVEIA, R.Q. Enciclopédia Histórico-Teológica da Igreja Cristã. São Paulo: Ed Vida Nova, 2009, Vol 3, p.33


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