According to the Genesis narrative, before the Fall
in Eden, humanity lived in the absence of evil. But after original sin, the
world came to suffer the influence of the evil (1John5:19), so that, according
to the Apostle Paul, the struggle of Christians is not against men, but
“against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians6:12).
However, because of God's love for men, human life is also the target of the
action of divine angels “sent to serve those who will inherit salvation”
(Hebrews 1:14).
In this way, it is possible to find in the biblical
text countless narratives in which angels of God act in favor of humanity.
According to Moses, for example, myriads of angels witnessed the granting of
the Law to Israel in Sinai (Deuteronomy 33:2 and Hebrews 2.2). This fact shows
the relevance of that event, for the Law is God among men in the form of words.
The Law, while showing divine holiness, it points to the human need of a
Savior, for the human being cannot fulfill it.
Another example of the action of angels in favor of
men is recorded in 2Kings. Syria and Israel were at war. Everything the King of
Syria planned with his commanders God revealed to the prophet Elisha that in
turn told the king of Israel. So the King of Syria ordered them to capture
Elisha. One morning, the prophet's aide, upon awakening, saw the city they were
surrounded by syrian war cars. Worried, he told Elisha. So, the prophet prayed
to God asking Him to open the young man's eyes so that he could see spiritual
reality. “Then the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the
hills full of horse and chariots off fire all around Elisha” (6.8-23).
The birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, also had
the participation of angels. According to the evangelist Luke, the angel
Gabriel appeared to Mary to announce to her that she would be pregnant by
action of the Holy Spirit (1:26-38). Soon after the birth of the child Jesus,
an angel appeared to a group of shepherds, who cared for their sheep in the
field. While this angel proclaimed the savior's arrival in the world, “a great
company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God” (Luke2:8-20).
After a time, another angel appeared to Joseph and directed him to flee to
Egypt, for Herod planned to kill Jesus (Matthew2:13-21).
Angels assisted Jesus in two other crucial moments
of his life. After forty days of temptation in the wilderness, “angels came and
attended him” (Matthew4:11). And in Gethsemane, in his anguish, “na angel from
heaven appeared to him and strengthened him” (Luke22:43). The gospels, however,
show that He faced his journey on earth alone, with help of his communion with
the Father through prayer. But apparently, He had angels at his disposal. At
the time of his arrest, he rebuked Peter and said, “do you think I cannot call
on my Father, and he will at once puta t my disposal more than twelve legions
of angels?” (Matthew26.53). Despite this support, Jesus went alone to the
Antônio Maia - M. Div.
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