According to the Holy Scriptures, the
process of divine revelation to mankind reached its climax with the entrance of
God Himself into the world (Philippians 2.5-8). This happened two thousand
years ago when the Creator became a creature and lived bodily among men. Today,
He continues among us through His Spirit who dwells in the minds and hearts of
those who have opened to the faith in Him. In this post I want to talk about
the name given to God in his incarnation, Jesus, and the titles Messiah and Son
of man.
The name "Jesus" is the
English translation of the Greek "Ἰησοῦ", which translates the Hebrew
word "יְהוֹשֻׁ֣עַ",
which translates directly to English is "Joshua" and means "the
LORD saves". It was a common name to the time of Jesus, but was chosen to
designate the Son of God. This is because God "chose the lowly things of
this world and the despised things – and the things that are not –
to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him" (1
Corinthians 1:28,29). And it will be before the majestic person who bears that
name that every knee will bow and confess that He is Lord (Philippians 2:10,11)
When Jesus began his public ministry,
preaching the message of the Kingdom of God and performing miracles, he soon
received the title of "Christ." This title was so associated with Him
that it became his surname and was then called Jesus Christ. This word
"Christ" is the English translation of the Greek Χριστός (Christos),
which in turn translates the Hebrew word מְשִׁיחִֽ, which translates directly into
English as "Messiah" and means "Anointed One."
But Jesus rarely accepted this title
or referred to Himself as it. This is because, being associated with the kings
of Israel, it gained a political and nationalistic connotation in such a way
that, at the time of Jesus, a Messiah was expected to liberate Israel from the
Roman yoke and transform it into a world power. When He, near the end of His
ministry, asked His disciples who they thought He was and Peter, having
answered "You are the Christ," that is, the Messiah, He commanded
them not to tell anyone (Mark 8:29,30).
Jesus did not come into the world to
establish an earthly kingdom in Israel. His reign was spiritual; He came to
establish the Kingdom of God among men. Therefore, He rejected the title of
"Messiah" and always referred to Himself as the "Son of
man", which appears 81 times in the Gospels. It is a reference to the
prophecy of Daniel (7: 13,14) that speaks of a celestial character to whom, in
the end times, God entrusted authority, glory and sovereign power to establish
an eternal kingdom.
Antônio Maia – M.Div.