When we read the New Testament today,
are we actually reading the text that John, Paul, and the other authors wrote?
This question makes sense to those who seek to develop a mature and non-naive
faith, grounded in the reality of facts and not fantasies and imaginations. The
low durability of papyrus, a precursor material of the paper, in which the
autographs (original manuscripts of the authors) were written, led to their
rapid disappearance. Before, however, they were copied and recopied, what
originated thousands of textual variants.
This process of transmission of the
text occurred for 14 centuries until the appearance of the press. Had it
undergone significant changes that compromised its authenticity? Let us
consider this question in three aspects: the nature of textual variants; The
distance between copies and autographs; And the number of documents available.
With regard to the variants, the thousands that have arisen derive from the
large number of copies made, but they, according to scholars, refer only to
spelling and the arrangement of words, and do not affect any Christian
As for the distance from the copies
to the autographs, while, for example, Plato's oldest copy is 1300 years
distant from him, and no one questions it; there are numerous manuscripts of
the NT, on parchment, dating to the century IV, that is, just over 200 years
from the originals. In addition, there are considerable papyrus fragments of
virtually all NT books that drive us back to the century III and, in some
cases, the mid- century II (less than 100 years of autographs). So, in this
respect, the authenticity and integrity of the New Testament is
The amount of available documents
attesting the existence of writings left by the men who walked with Jesus make
the NT the most well-documented ancient text ever. There are now about 5,500
complete Greek manuscripts or fragments, as well as almost 13,000 manuscripts
from NT versions for other languages that emerged from the second century
onwards with the spread of Christianity. There are also thousands of quotations
from the NT text in the parents' literature of the Church. Only Irenaeus,
Clement of Alexandria and Origenes quoted portions of the NT 22,147
For all this, scholars and
specialists confirm that the New Testament texts are faithful to the original
and credible. This text would be just another old text, if it was not about God
who became man and walked among us. For this reason it is elevated to the
status of Sacred Scripture, given by God to mankind as light for the way of
Antônio Maia – M.Div.
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